Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Birthdays and Brownies

Today is Jennifer's 21st birthday.  Who is Jennifer?  She is my right (and sometimes left) hand here.  She helps me keep my house in order and is an absolute God-send.  Joshua and I made her a card, cooked a special lunch, sang Happy Birthday numerous times and gave her some cash.  I think she was a bit overwhelmed by our American birthday traditions.

Jennifer and a goof-ball Joshua (he wouldn't let me take his picture).

Today I also baked our favorite brownies. This was a test run of baking them in our new home because I am taking them to a pot-luck on Thursday. 

Baking brownies. Ghana is a the world’s second-biggest cocoa producer so I feel like I am cheating on my new home a bit by having the Hershey's Cocoa. However, it is hard to buy here.

The brownies have to be just perfect because I am trying to lure an early education teacher to Bogoso.  She and her husband are thinking about coming here and will be on site conducting their "looksie". If they move, she has talked about running a preschool for the little ones.  I am aware that I am perfectly able, prepared and willing to teach Joshua myself.

Our play room / dinning area

However, Joshua loved his school (St. Phillps Early Learning Center) so very much and I would love him to have a fun outside-the-home learning experience with his friends in addition to what I plan on teaching him.

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